Tips to showcase your skills during a temporary phase in a role

temporary phase in a role


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Being an employee in the UAE temporary phase in a role could be challenging, but if you want to continue improving you have to give your best performance, even during a temporary phase in a role. It doesn’t matter if isn’t your dream job, you still have to prove that you’re a valuable worker because it could take you far.

In this article, you’re going to learn everything you need to know about how you can shine in your temporary work since doing it will bring you many benefits. Let’s observe:

  • Tips to showcase your skills during a temporary phase in a role
  • Why you should bring your best skills during temporary employment?
  • Match your skills with company’s culture
  • Prove yourself during tough situations
  • Arrive to work on time
  • Add value to the business
  • Be productive and work smart
  • Keep improving your performance
  • How can Connect Resources help you with temporary work?

1. Tips to showcase your skills during a temporary phase in a role

Temporary employment is one of the few ways of landing a good job, and although it might not be what you’ve been looking for, you still can get a lot of advantage from it if you know how.

As an employee, it’s important to show that you’re a valuable worker and that you have something important to offer to the business, it doesn’t matter if you’re a temporary or permanent worker, because if you work hard you can receive many benefits.

Don’t be afraid to give your best performance and prove that you have what it takes to succeed by showcasing your skills.

Why do you have to showcase your skills during your temporary employment? Let’s observe:

  • You can impress your employer and it could take you to a permanent role
  • You can prove you’re a valuable worker and the company may offer you a contract
  • You can grow professionally

1.1 What is a temporary job?

Knowing the temporary staff definition can make you understand what type of job it is, so you can be clear when you’re in one of these situations.

You can find a temporary job by being part of one of the several staffing agencies in the UAE, which are those that provide workers to company.

If any particular business wants to hire a temporary worker for a position that matches with your skills, they contact the agency and the agency carries out a process where if you get selected you can start working for them.

Since there is a lot of information about temporary jobs, you have to get some useful knowledge that can provide you with a bigger picture so you can know if you’d like to work in this type of employment.

Learn more about temporary employment and its characteristics.

2. Why you should bring your best skills during temporary phase in a role with Company?

temporary phase in a role Connectresources

During a temporary phase in a role it’s important to bring your best skills to the table. Even if it’s a job where you don’t have much tasks or you feel like it’s not an important role, you still have to prove that you’re a valuable asset and an excellent employee.

Being a temporary employee means the following::

  • You work directly with the company
  • You’re linked with a staffing agency

It means that both the company and agency are watching your performance, so you have to impress two employment providers. Doing it could bring you a lot of benefits, so don’t hesitate.

2.1 Land a permanent job

Your goal as a temporary employee could be defined from the beginning of your period, but you also have to take another goal in mind, which is to impress the company line manager.

As you may know, landing a permanent job in the UAE it’s difficult, but if you prove you have valuable skills even as a temporary employee, you can get your desired permanent contract.

How can showcasing your skills in a temporary role help you land a permanent job? Let’s observe:

  • You can prove that you can manage the assigned tasks and the manager would consider you to continue doing it
  • Companies don’t like to train their staff over and over again, so if you know what you’re doing, they wouldn’t want to hire anyone else to train to do it.

Maybe you haven’t considered a temporary role because you’re looking for a permanent one, but you have to know that there are several reasons why you should consider temporary employment since it could lead you to your dream job.

Learn more about why you should take a temporary job even if you’re looking a temporary role.

2.2 Be referred by the staffing agency

Since the staffing agency is continuously offering their recruitment services, you can be part of their database and show that you’re a highly-capable worker once you prove that you have the necessary skills to be referred.

Connect Resources is one of the top-leading recruitment agency and if you trust in its team of experts you’re going to see excellent results that are going to take your professional path in the right direction.

Learn more about the Recruitment in Dubai Service offered by Connect Resources.

3. Match your skills with company’s culture

One of the major challenges employers face is finding candidates that can identify themselves with the company’s culture. Sometimes, employers may even prefer a candidate that it’s a great cultural fit over a high-skilled one so as you can see it’s very important.

When you have a temporary phase in a role, you have to show you’re a cultural fit since it can increase your chances of being hired permanently.

How can you prove your skills match company’s vision? Let’s observe:

  • Respect the workplace’s rules and follow its customs
  • Learn about the company’s strategic goals, mission, and vision and include them in your daily work
  • Match your expertise with company’s culture
  • Research about the employment culture of the company

You have to know that employers face many employment issues, and if you want to prove you’re an excellent worker, you have to use your skills to shine and overcome those troubles and demonstrate you’re aligned with the company’s vision.

Learn more about the employment issues in the UAE.

4. Prove yourself during tough situations in temporary phase in a role

Temporary phase in a role

If you’re starting your career in Dubai, and you’re looking for a solid staffing agency that can offer you a temporary job to start improving your skills, you can trust in Connect Resources since it has a team of experts readily available to help you solve your needs.

Learn more about the temporary staff agencies in the UAE.

5. Arrive to work on time temporary phase in a role

temporary phase in a role Connectresources


Although it might seem like something obvious, many employees don’t know that always reporting on time is one of the best impressions you can give to your employer, particularly during a temporary phase in a role. Being a person that respects time is a great skill that you can showcase easily.

How can being on time be beneficial for your temporary role? Let’s observe:

  • It demonstrates your commitment with the company
  • It shows you have respect for your colleagues and workmates
  • It’s a practice that can take you to a higher executive level
  • It’s a valuable skill that many employees don’t have, so it will make you stand out

Even though you know you have to arrive on time, you also have to be aware of the rules about working hours so you don’t have to overwork. It’s important to know your rights as an employee in the UAE.

Learn more about the rules related with working hours and schedules.

6. Add value to the business temporary phase in a role

Having to comply with a temporary phase in a role might not be exactly what you desire since you’d like to have a permanent job, but you have to take every opportunity and turn it into something amazing.

It means that you have to be that type of worker that never declines new opportunities, and you have to add value to the business since it’s an essential skill to succeed.

There may be certain situations where you have to show an extra commitment and invest more time from you, but it will eventually give excellent results. How can you prove the skill of adding value to the business? Let’s observe:

  • Don’t say no to new challenges
  • Be calm during tough situations and prove you can handle them
  • Give a transparent and positive image about yourself
  • Build trust with your colleagues
  • Be quick, smart, and agile with your responsibilities
  • Be flexible to handle your tasks

7. Be productive and work smart in temporary phase in a role with Company

Working in a temporary phase in a role could be the best opportunity to shape and refine your current skills as you learn more about your field of expertise. But, the only way to achieve it is by working smart and being productive, and those skills are two of your biggest assets.

How can you work productively and smartly? Let’s observe:

  • Don’t try to do dozens of things at once because you can get confused and at the end you won’t finish anything
  • Prioritize your tasks start the day with the hardest ones
  • Learn productivity tricks and tips that can help you complete your work easily
  • Always be on time with your responsibilities and projects
  • Continue learning and improving your problem-solving skills

If you’re looking for a temporary job because you’re planning on starting a second career, then it’s one of the best decisions you can make since it will help you get to know more about the new way you want to take.

Learn more about how you can start a second career successfully.

8. Keep improving your performance in temporary phase in a role with Company

temporary employment


During temporary employment, managers perhaps don’t expect a lot from temporary employees, but you have to make the difference since it’s what’s going to take you far in your career.

You have to always ask for feedback because it’ll help you improve your performance. How can you do it? Let’s observe:

  • Ask your manager’s opinion and advice about how you can improve your performance
  • Ask for a constant feedback and show you’re open to critics
  • Offer your help in more challenging tasks
  • Analyze your approach to your assigned responsibilities and see if there’s something you can improve
  • If you receive criticism, use it wisely and implement it, especially if it comes from the management

Being part of one of the best staffing agencies like Connect Resources can take your career to the next step, particularly if you have enough skills to be part of their pool of candidates. It offers a comprehensive Payroll service, and if you have expertise in this area you can get your dream job.

Learn more about the Payroll Service offered by Connect Resources.

9. How can Connect Resources help you with temporary phase in a role ?

temporary phase in a role Connectresources

Once that you know the temporary staff definition and you have decided to bring your best skills when you have this role, you may want to find a little more help.

With Connect Resources you’re going to have the perfect ally for your job search since once you’re part of the talent pool you’re going to have bigger chances of landing the perfect job.

Whether it is a temporary role or a permanent one, you can be sure that you’re going to grow professionally and you’ll start improving your quality of life. You can become one of the top workers in your field if you start taking the best opportunities and if you count on with excellent allies.

Would you like to contact Connect Resources for assistance with temporary work? You can call at +971 433 166 88 or send an email to, and you’ll talk to one of their representatives that will gladly answer all of your questions.

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