Connect Resources announces provision for increasing visa quotas without additional office space
Aaron Portero, Managing Director, Connect Resources, said: “Amid Covid, many offices are providing opportunities to work from home, hence having no need to have a large office space.
Are workplaces in the Middle East clinging to presenteeism culture?
Aaron Portero, Managing Director of Connect Group says that, “Some companies demand excessively long work hours from their employees, which can lead to a negative impact on their personal lives and relationships”
Aug 2 2023
مجموعة كونيكت تُطلق خدمات تأسيسية جديدة بهدف دعم الشركات العالمية في بناء وجود قوي في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي
مجموعة كونيكت توفر خدمات للشركات العالمية للحصول على مساعدة خبراء في مجالات التوظيف، والتأسيس، والدعم المستمر للموارد البشرية على أرض الواقع تُقدم مجموعة كونيكت خدمات
Aug 8 2023
How Connect Resources Helps Businesses Expand to the Middle East in Just Weeks
Connect Resources addresses the challenges of expanding to the Middle East through its innovative EOR/PEO model. With this model, businesses can bypass the traditional approach of setting up a business entity and navigating complex legal and regulatory requirements.
July 18 2023
The benefits of HR outsourcing for companies in the GCC
Connect Resources addresses the challenges of expanding to the Middle East through its innovative EOR/PEO model. With this model, businesses can bypass the traditional approach of setting up a business entity and navigating complex legal and regulatory requirements.
July 13 2023
Connect Group Helps International Companies Make Their Mark In The GCC, With Tailored Establishment Services
Aaron Portero, Managing Director of Connect Group says, “We can take care of all employee work permits, visas, insurance, and payroll so they can legally work, live, and get paid in the Middle East. We can also assist with relocation and temporary accommodation for international employees.”
June 12 2023
Connect Group helps international companies make their mark in the GCC
Aaron Portero, Managing Director of Connect Group says that, “With our extensive expertise in the GCC, we can handle all matters regarding company formation, from obtaining the right trade license to opening bank accounts, managing all of the paperwork, and securing the ideal office space, with experience on-boarding teams of up to 200 people,”
July 12 2023
أتمتة الموارد البشرية ستوفر حلول للشركات لتسهيل دور إدارة الموارد البشرية وزيادة كفاءتها
يحتوي برنامج كونيكت للموارد البشرية على مزايا للمساعدة في إدارة شؤون الموظفين، وأتمتة إدارة إجراءات التأشيرة والأداء، والمطالبات بالنفقات والإجازات السنوية ووقت الحضور وغيرها، من خلال تشغيل آلي فعال واستخدام بيانات مركزية وتبسيط العمليات. وبفضل هذا، يمكن إلغاء العديد من المهام اليدوية والمتكررة لأعضاء الفريق، مما يسمح لهم بالتركيز على المهام الأخرى.
May 31 2023
أتمتة الموارد البشرية ستوفر حلول للشركات لتسهيل دور إدارة الموارد البشرية وزيادة كفاءتها
يحتوي برنامج كونيكت للموارد البشرية على مزايا للمساعدة في إدارة شؤون الموظفين، وأتمتة إدارة إجراءات التأشيرة والأداء، والمطالبات بالنفقات والإجازات السنوية ووقت الحضور وغيرها، من خلال تشغيل آلي فعال واستخدام بيانات مركزية وتبسيط العمليات. وبفضل هذا، يمكن إلغاء العديد من المهام اليدوية والمتكررة لأعضاء الفريق، مما يسمح لهم بالتركيز على المهام الأخرى.
March 31 2023
Surging Demand for HR Automation: Businesses Turn to Automated Solutions to Streamline HR Processes and Boost Efficiency
At Connect Group, the demand for Connect HR software mirrors this trend, with many businesses in the UAE implementing the technology to boost efficiency and productivity.
May 31 2023
Looking to land a job in Dubai? We asked the experts for their top tips
Aaron Portero, Managing Director of Connect Group, a business set-up consultancy, says of his top tip for job hunters. “It’s also important to understand the local work culture and what employers in Dubai are looking for in candidates.
March 30 2023
أتمتة الموارد البشرية ستوفر حلول للشركات لتسهيل دور إدارة الموارد البشرية وزيادة كفاءتها المزيد على دنيا الوطن
يحتوي برنامج كونيكت للموارد البشرية على مزايا للمساعدة في إدارة شؤون الموظفين، وأتمتة إدارة إجراءات التأشيرة والأداء، والمطالبات بالنفقات والإجازات السنوية ووقت الحضور وغيرها، من خلال تشغيل آلي فعال واستخدام بيانات مركزية وتبسيط العمليات. وبفضل هذا، يمكن إلغاء العديد من المهام اليدوية والمتكررة لأعضاء الفريق، مما يسمح لهم بالتركيز على المهام الأخرى. المزيد على دنيا الوطن ..
July 30 2023
أتمتة الموارد البشرية ستوفر حلول للشركات لتسهيل دور إدارة الموارد البشرية وزيادة كفائتها
يحتوي برنامج كونيكت للموارد البشرية على مزايا للمساعدة في إدارة شؤون الموظفين، وأتمتة إدارة إجراءات التأشيرة والأداء، والمطالبات بالنفقات والإجازات السنوية ووقت الحضور وغيرها، من خلال تشغيل آلي فعال واستخدام بيانات مركزية وتبسيط العمليات. وبفضل هذا، يمكن إلغاء العديد من المهام اليدوية والمتكررة لأعضاء الفريق، مما يسمح لهم بالتركيز على المهام الأخرى.
May 29 2023
Businesses turn to automated solutions to streamline HR processes and boost efficiency
At Connect Group, the demand for Connect HR software mirrors this trend, with many businesses in the UAE implementing the technology to boost efficiency and productivity.
May 22 2023
Businesses turn to automation to streamline HR processes
Aaron Portero, Managing Director of Connect Group says that, “We are happy to report that Connect HR has witnessed a 93% increase in clients over the past year, as more businesses turn to automated solutions to streamline their HR processes and boost efficiency”
July 22 2023
Businesses turn to automation to streamline HR processes
Aaron Portero, Managing Director of Connect Group says, “We are happy to report that Connect HR has witnessed a 93% increase in clients over the past year, as more businesses turn to automated solutions to streamline their HR processes and boost efficiency”
March 20 2023
Businesses turn to automation to streamline HR processes
Aaron Portero, Managing Director of Connect Group says that, “We are happy to report that Connect HR has witnessed a 93% increase in clients over the past year, as more businesses turn to automated solutions to streamline their HR processes and boost efficiency”
March 20 2023
Businesses turn to automated solutions to streamline HR processes and boost efficiency
At Connect Group, the demand for Connect HR software mirrors this trend, with many businesses in the UAE implementing the technology to boost efficiency and productivity.
May 20 2023
Businesses turn to automation to streamline HR processes
Aaron Portero, Managing Director, Connect Group, said: “We are pleased to report that Connect HR’s customers have grown by 93% over the past year as more businesses turn to automation solutions to streamline their HR processes and increase efficiency .”
May 20 2023
Businesses turn to automation to streamline HR processes
Connect HR has witnessed a 93% increase in clients over the past year, as more businesses turn to automated solutions to streamline their HR processes and boost efficiency,” says Aaron Portero, Managing Director of Connect Group.
June 20 2023
نصائح عن كيفية بدء عملك الخاص داخل دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة بتكاليف محدودة والمحافظة على إستمرايته
حيث يمكن تقوية العلامات التجارية للشركات عن طريق مشاركة ثقافتها والترويج لها خارجياً لكي تلفت الأنظار للمواهب المستقبلية كمكان مرغوب فيه للعمل، كما يمكن لخدمات التوظيف والموارد البشرية من تقييم مفهوم العلامات التجارية وتهيئة العوامل المناسبة لتحسين سمعة هذه الشركات في السوق، خاصةً عندما يحين وقت التوظيف، إذ ستجعل هذه العوامل من علامتك التجارية مميزة وتجذب أفضل المواهب
June 4 2023
مجموعة كونيكت تصدر دراسة عن مدى أهمية الاستعانة بمصادر خارجية للموارد البشرية
فقد اوضحت مجموعة كونيكت أنه غالبًا ما يجد اصحاب العمل صعوبةً في الحصول على العلامة التجارية الخاصة بهم، حيث يصبح عدم الحصول على علامة تجارية لصاحب العمل مشكلة عندما يكون لديهم عدد قليل من المناصب التي يجب شغلها والتي لا تجتذب المواهب المناسبة لها، تعتبر هذه المشكلة واحدة من المشاكل التي يجب على الشركات التي تتطلع إلى النمو أن تضعها في عين الاعتبار
March 1 2023
مجموعة كونيكت تصدر دراسة عن مدى أهمية الاستعانة بمصادر خارجية للموارد البشرية للحفاظ على استمرارية الشركات الصغرى
كذلك تسمح بعض الشركات المشغلة او الموفرة للموظفين المتعاونين مثل مجموعة كونيكت بدفع رسوم تأشيرات الموظفين بشكل، وتوزيع تكلفة الاستثمار الأولي بمرور الوقت بدلاً من الدفع مقدماً.
March 2 2023
One year on, what the war in Ukraine means for the Middle East
There is also demand among Russians and Ukrainians to apply for a UAE freelance job visa, according to HR consultancy Connect Group.
February 24 2023
Short-term temporary hires increase as companies shift to fixed-term contracts – News
Aaron Portero, Managing Director of Connect Group, said fixed-term contracts are beneficial and highly sought after by companies working on special projects with a limited time frame because they hire employees for a specific length of time.
February 19 2023
UAE jobs: Short-term, temporary hiring rises as firms switch to limited contracts
Aaron Portero, managing director of Connect Group, said limited-term contracts are beneficial and highly sought-after by companies working on special projects.
January 19 2023
UAE jobs: Short-term, temporary hiring rises as firms switch to limited contracts
Aaron Portero, managing director of Connect Group, said limited-term contracts are beneficial and highly sought-after by companies working on special projects.
January 19 2023
5 Workforce Predictions for 2023 by Aaron Portero, Managing Director of Connect Group
With more than a decade in leadership roles and an intimate knowledge of key challenges and opportunities for businesses in the region, Managing Director of Connect Group, Aaron Portero, has five predictions for 2023.
January 5 2023
5 Workforce Predictions For 2023 By Aaron Portero, Managing Director Of Connect Group
With more than a decade in leadership roles and an intimate knowledge of key challenges and opportunities for businesses in the region, Managing Director of Connect Group, Aaron Portero.
January 4 2023
Rise in UAE non-oil orders means more staff recruitment
Aaron Portero, managing director of recruitment and HR consultancy Connect Group, forecast that the number of visa applications his firm will process this year will rise at least 25 to 30 percent.
February 3 2023
European and Russian expats opt for freelance jobs in UAE
UAE job visa applications will increase by nearly one third this year, with many expats from Europe and Russia opting for freelance roles, the managing director of recruitment and HR consultancy Connect Group told AGBI.
February 19 2023
أهم التحولات الرئيسية التي يمكن للقوى العاملة أن تتوقعها لعام 2023
كشفت مجموعة كونيكت الشركة الرائدة في مجال الموارد البشرية وتوفير خدمات الأعمال للشركات التي مقرها دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة عن أهم التغييرات التي يمكن للقوى العاملة ان تتوقعها لعام 2023 عن طريق دراسة اجراها مؤخراً أرون بورتيرو،
January 18 2023
UAE: Why are so many Europeans moving to the country now?
According to Connect Group Managing Director Aaron Portero, the top five European countries from which people are moving to the UAE are the UK, Spain, Germany, Italy, France and the Netherlands.
January 17 2023
Tax-free salary, health insurance: 5 reasons why Europeans are flocking to UAE
According to Aaron Portero, managing director of Connect Group, the top five European countries from where people are moving to UAE are the UK, Spain, Germany, Italy, France and the Netherlands.
January 17 2023
UAE: why are so many Europeans relocating to the country now?
According to Aaron Portero, Managing Director of Connect Group, the top five European countries from where people are moving to the UAE are the UK, Spain, Germany, Italy, France and the Netherlands.
January 17 2023
¿Qué posición ocupan los españoles en la emigración a Emiratos?
Según Aaron Portero, director gerente de Connect Group, los cinco principales países europeos desde donde la gente se muda a EAU son el Reino Unido, España, Alemania, Italia, Francia y los Países Bajos.
January 17 2023
Shaping The Future Of Education – Program At A Glance
The event addressed the significant changes brought about by the global pandemic, particularly in the education sector. Aaron Portero, the Managing Director of Connect Resources, shared insights and expertise during the event.
«كونيكت» تطلق مبادرة للحصول على تأشيرات الأعمال الحرة
أطلقت مجموعة كونيكت ومقرها الإمارات مبادرة للحصول على تأشيرات الأعمال الحرة. ومنح قسم «كونيكت للعمل الحر» في المجموعة على مدار أكثر من 6 سنوات، آلاف الأشخاص فرص العمل والعيش في الإمارات من خلال الخدمات المميزة التي يقدمها.
January 24 2022
«كونيكت» تطلق مبادرة للحصول على تأشيرات الأعمال الحرة
أطلقت مجموعة كونيكت ومقرها الإمارات مبادرة للحصول على تأشيرات الأعمال الحرة. ومنح قسم «كونيكت للعمل الحر» في المجموعة على مدار أكثر من 6 سنوات، آلاف الأشخاص فرص العمل والعيش في الإمارات من خلال الخدمات المميزة التي يقدمها.
January 24 2022
Khaleej Times – UAE economy to dodge recession in 2023
Aaron Portero, managing director at Connect Group, said: “With recession looming in many parts of the world, uncertainty reigns and businesses are carefully watching their bottom line.
January 21 2022
مجموعة كونيكت الرائدة في خدمات الشركات في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة تطلق مبادرة جديدة للحصول على تأشيرات الأعمال الحره
أتاح قسم “Connect Freelance” بالمجموعة لآلاف الأشخاص فرصة العمل والعيش في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة من خلال الخدمات المتميزة التي يقدمها.
January 21 2022
UAE economy to dodge recession in 2023
Aaron Portero, managing director at Connect Group, said: “With recession looming in many parts of the world, uncertainty reigns and businesses are carefully watching their bottom line.
January 21 2022
UAE economy to dodge recession in 2023
Aaron Portero, managing director at Connect Group, said: “With recession looming in many parts of the world, uncertainty reigns and businesses are carefully watching their bottom line.
January 21 2022
QNET launches a new initiative to obtain self-employment visas
The UAE-based Connect Group has launched a partnership program to give individuals and companies the opportunity to earn additional revenue by recommending individuals or reselling visas Self Employment.
January 20 2022
مجموعة كونيكت الرائدة في خدمات الشركات في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، تطلق مبادرة جديدة للحصول على تأشيرات الأعمال الحره
حيث منح قسم “كونيكت للعمل الحر” في المجموعة وعلى مدار أكثر من ست سنوات، آلاف الأشخاص فرصة العمل والعيش في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة من خلال الخدمات المميزة التي يقدمها.
January 20 2022
Connect Resources Launches New Services To Expand Its Business in Dubai and UAE
Connect Resources is a Recruitment and Staffing Agency based in Dubai and UAE. Recently the company has launched new services to expand its businesses in UAE.
February 16 2022
Connect Resources Launches New Services To Expand Its Business in Dubai and UAE
Connect Resources is a Recruitment and Staffing Agency based in Dubai and UAE. Recently the company has launched new services to expand its businesses in UAE.
February 16 2022
Connect Resources Launches New Services To Expand Its Business in Dubai and UAE
Connect Resources, which has established itself as a recruitment and staffing company in Dubai and UAE and serves as the local partner of its clients, has developed new services, generating new opportunities to expand its business in UAE.
March 16 2022
Connect Resources Launches New Services To Expand Its Business in Dubai and UAE
Connect Resources, which has established itself as a recruitment and staffing company in Dubai and UAE and serves as the local partner of its clients, has developed new services, generating new opportunities to expand its business in UAE.
March 16 2022
Here’s how you can write a resignation letter
Aaron Portero, managing director at Connect Resources, a UAEbased recruitment agency, explained the benefits of giving your employer a heads up before you file your papers.
April 2 2022

UAE: Planning to resign? Here is how to write a resignation letter
Aaron Portero, managing director of Connect Resources, a leading provider of HR services and solutions in the UAE, provided valuable insights on how to draft the best resignation letter so you can leave your job on good terms.
April 2 2022
Connect Services ME becomes UAE’s 1st firm to accept crypto payments
Connect Services Middle East, the largest provider of company setup services in the UAE, now accepts cryptocurrency payments from its clients.
May 16 2022
ConnectME to Accept Crypto Payments for Business Setup Amid UAE Push for Global Crypto Hub Status
One of the leading companies in the United Arab Emirates, ConnectME will now be accepting crypto payments for their business setup solutions. Subsequently, becoming one of the first companies in the UAE to receive this trending currency as a payment option.
May 16 2022
Middle East based company Connect Services Middle East accepting crypto for company formation services
Connect Services Middle East, the largest provider of company setup services in the UAE, now accepts cryptocurrency payments from its clients.
June 15 2022
UAE unveils new unemployment insurance scheme
Aaron Portero – UAE expert and managing director of Connect Resources, a company offering tailor-made outsourcing solutions for businesses – comments on these changes in the EuroNews’ recent release
June 10 2022
Les Émirats arabes unis instaurent une assurance chômage pour les locaux et les expatriés
Aaron Portero, directeur général de Connect Resources. “Ce changement nous donnera plus de travail car nous devrons nous adapter pour gérer également le régime de pension et nous conformer à la législation.”
June 10 2022
Emirados anunciam criação de um subsídio de desemprego para reter talentos
Aaron Portero, directeur général de Connect Resources. “Ce changement nous donnera plus de travail car nous devrons nous adapter pour gérer également le régime de pension et nous conformer à la législation.”
June 10 2022
Les Émirats arabes unis instaurent une assurance chômage pour les locaux et les expatriés
Aaron Portero, diretor administrativo da Connect Resources. “Esta mudança vai dar-nos mais trabalho porque vamos ter de nos adaptar para gerir também o regime de pensões e cumprir a legislação”.
June 10 2022
«Connect Resources» تعلن عن خطة استثمار بقيمة 2 مليون دولار في برنامج «Cloud HRMS»
التزاماً بدعم الابتكار في مجال الموارد البشرية ، أعلنت شركة Connect Resources عن خطتها الاستثمارية البالغة 2 مليون دولار في برنامج Cloud HRMS في الإمارات العربية المتحدة.
June 10 2022
Top business setup consultancy Connect Services Middle East expands its services in Saudi Arabia
According to Aaron Portero, managing director of Connect Services Middle East: “This new change will be a key action in our establishment as a leading business setup consultancy agency in the Middle East.
July 9 2022
Empleandote en Dubai – E08 Asesoria Legal
E08 – Legalidad. Entrevista el abogado y asesor legal Aaron Portero sobre situaciones legales, contratos, despidos, transferencias, sponsor y regulaciones.
July 7 2020
Emirates ID will replace UAE residency visa stickers on passports
According to Connect Resources, the recent announcement means that residency and identity card applications will be merged and no longer require separate applications.
August 8 2022
Aaron Portero, a prominent business leader and investor, attended the Investment Summit held by the Abrahamic Business Circle in March 2022. The event, titled “Let Money Talk,” aimed to foster economic diplomacy through business and brought together investors from around the globe.
August 29 2022
Connect Resources helps you expand into new markets with Professional Employment Organisation (PEO)
Connect Resources has been providing recruitment and staffing solutions for hundreds of enterprises in the Middle East for over six years. This leading agency offers a range of services to help companies grow and expand into diverse markets.
September 25 2022
UAE jobs: Short-term, temporary hiring rises as firms switch to limited contracts
Aaron Portero, managing director of Connect Group, said limited-term contracts are beneficial and highly sought-after by companies working on special projects.
February 19 2023
أهم التحولات الرئيسية التي يمكن للقوى العاملة أن تتوقعها لعام 2023
كشفت مجموعة كونيكت الشركة الرائدة في مجال الموارد البشرية وتوفير خدمات الأعمال للشركات التي مقرها دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة عن أهم التغييرات التي يمكن للقوى العاملة ان تتوقعها لعام 2023 عن طريق دراسة اجراها مؤخراً أرون بورتيرو،
January 18 2023
Israel Investment Summit 2021
Aaron Portero, the Managing Director of Connect Group, participated in the event as one of the speakers. During the event, Aaron Portero have provided valuable insights into the potential for collaboration and business growth between Israel and the GCC countries.
Leading Workforce and Manpower Company – Dubai
Connect Resources is the premier company for managed services – it offers effective solutions to businesses rooted in the Middle East, or those that are moving into the area.
SIGNING OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MoU) BETWEEN Connect Resources AND City University College of Ajman
Connect Resources and City University College of Ajman (CUCA) established an industry-academic collaboration by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
10 Most Promising Corporate Business Services from the Middle East
Connect Services Middle East is a group of company which is well-established and recognized in the market and leader in the field of corporate sponsorship service, business setup, Licensing, Outsourcing Services, Business Center Service in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar
Connect Freelance launches wide variety of visa designations for skilled professionals
Aaron Portero, managing director of Connect Group, said: “With the arrival of a global problem like the one we have been through, many companies have significantly reduced their permanent workforce, making this a great opportunity for freelancers.
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