Why should you boost your recruitment and hiring activities during challenging times?

recruitment and hiring processes


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Doing the recruitment and hiring processes for your company could be a standard procedure carried out once in a while, particularly when you have some vacancies in your business. However, carrying out these processes during difficult times could be the best choice you can make to receive many benefits.

In this article, you’re going to learn everything you need to know about the reasons why you should focus on recruiting staff for your company during challenging times. Let’s observe:

  • Why should you boost your recruitment and hiring activities during challenging times?
  • More candidate availability
  • Temporary reduced competition for in-demand talent
  • Improve the company’s image
  • Motivation for your existing team
  • Streamlined process
  • Higher commitment to the recruitment process
  • Promotions and filling vacancies
  • Improve hiring processes
  • How can Connect Resources help you with recruiting and hiring during difficult times?

1. Why should you boost your recruitment and hiring activities during challenging times?

The coronavirus pandemic has set the world into a difficult time for doing business and many companies are trying to continue their operations. Additionally, this has made that many businesses rethink their ways of carrying out their frequent processes like planning and hiring.

One of the advantages that you can take during this time is attracting candidates that can fit in your open positions so you can increase your business productivity.

Contacting a consulting recruitment agency in the UAE could be the best option for you if you don’t have enough resources or specialized HR personnel that can help you hire the best workers for your company.

1.1 Should you boost your hiring during unprecedented times?

Many businesses prefer to not carry out recruitment and hiring activities during a difficult period, but you have to think in the future and start taking actions in preparation for recovery, because better times will come and you have to be prepared.

Why are difficult times the best opportunity to find candidates? Let’s observe:

  • You can get ahead of the hiring curve
  • You can start capitalizing valuable talent
  • You can make better hiring decisions since you have more time
  • You start moving with the times and make sure your business don’t miss out

2. More candidate availability

One of the biggest challenges HR teams face when carrying out recruitment and hiring processes is the talent scarcity. Recruiters may try to find excellent candidates but they’re often hard to reach or not available. However, during the pandemic, many people were required to stay at home so it’s more likely that more candidates are available.

Why is it beneficial having more candidate availability? Let’s observe:

  • Candidates are available to participate in recruitment processes
  • Candidates have more free time and they can be available for interviews
  • You’re going to have a faster candidate turnaround

You can even find more availability when it comes to international hiring when you’re considering a business expansion or an incursion in a new market. Keep in mind that it’s a difficult task, even harder than the in-house recruiting.

Learn more about the strategies to hire international employees for your business.

3. Temporary reduced competition for in-demand talent

Why should you boost your recruitment and hiring activities during challenging times

Although many companies might think that doing the recruitment and hiring processes during unstable times isn’t advisable, it could be a great opportunity to use it to your advantage. Since businesses are not considering hiring during these times, there’s a temporary reduced competition for in-demand talent.

Why is this temporary reduction competition beneficial for your recruitment processes? Let’s observe:

  • You can implement your hiring plans effectively
  • You can attract top talent available easily
  • There’s more opportunity to find high-qualified talent
  • You can approach passive candidates without too much competition
  • You can test new hiring methods since you have more availability
  • You can find candidates for leadership positions
  • There’s a bigger chance of finding candidates with the skills you need
  • You won’t have to be afraid to miss candidates because of competition

Although there are some positions where the competition hardly gets reduced, you have to take advantage of difficult times to address those candidates that are harder to convince, like those known as passive candidates.

Learn more about the strategies you can implement to attract passive candidates.

4. Improve the company’s image

One of the crucial factors of any recruitment and hiring process is related with the company’s image since it’s something that attracts more candidates. Since we’re facing difficult times, hiring is unlikely but if candidates see that your business is looking for talent, that’s going to impact them positively and it will help you develop your brand.

Keep in mind that for improving your company’s image you first need to implement some marketing strategies that allow you to attract more candidates. Combining both an outstanding recruitment process and promoting your business image are going to put you in the top of your industry.

Learn more about the marketing strategies you can implement in the recruitment process.

5.1 How can a positive image help you with recruiting?

Many companies may think that their image has nothing to do with recruiting, but that’s not true. Your employer’s brand is highly important when it comes to attract highly-qualified candidates.

If you start your recruiting process you’re going to take advantage of a strong branding opportunity that will help you build your recruitment pipeline. Once things get back to normal and the businesses start to reopen, you’re going to be ahead of your competition because you’ll have a pool of candidates that are ready to start working with you.

5. Motivation for your existing team

recruitment and hiring

The pandemic has affected many businesses, but employees are also suffering since the picture doesn’t seem so bright for them. But, if you start your recruitment and hiring activities, you can show your staff that you have a plan and that things will get better.

Why is recruitment a motivation for your team? Let’s observe:

  • It proves that you’re preparing yourself for what comes ahead
  • It shows that you’re building for consistent growth
  • It’s a sign of stability in the business

As you can see, it’s a great tool to uplift your team and it can motivate them to continue working and giving its best performance in the company. As you can see, recruiting can be an internal morale booster so it’s something that affects each part of your business.

Doing the recruitment process is great for boosting your team morale, but it doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy. If you need help with recruitment you can contact Connect Resources, and our team of specialists is going to be readily available for you.

Learn more about the Recruitment in Dubai Service offered by Connect Resources.

6. Streamlined process

Since many employees are now working from home, the recruitment and hiring processes can be even easier for your business. Your HR team probably put in place policies to make some processes easier, and this in turn benefits the recruiting.

Why can you have streamlined processes? Let’s observe:

  • You can use the technologies and policies used in other areas of your business and apply them in your recruiting.
  • There’s less reliance on paperwork therefore the recruiting is easier and less tedious
  • You can hire people faster since there’s less steps and most of them are automated now
  • You can provide a better candidate experience which will help you attract more potential employees
  • Your HR specialists and managers can carry out processes in a more straightforward way

Doing the recruitment process smoothly can help you carry out more challenging processes in the future such like high-volume recruitment, so if you’re planning a business expansion you need to start considering how you can train your HR team in this matter.

Learn more about the high-volume recruitment process and how to succeed in it.

7. Higher commitment to the recruitment process

Since companies aren’t doing recruiting, candidates know that they don’t have as many options as they used to have. It means that candidates will have a higher commitment as they understand that businesses are being more selective.

What does a higher candidate commitment mean? Let’s observe:

  • Candidates will take each opportunity more seriously
  • Potential employees will participate in recruitment processes until the end, so it’s likely that they won’t abandon it
  • Candidates will have more availability to take skills tests or to participate in interviews

A consulting recruitment agency can help you solve the needs of your business, so it could even be the best solution for improving your hiring results.

Having committed candidates is a great way of achieving your recruitment needs, but keep in mind that you also need to consider all the other factors involved in hiring, like the cost of an employee for your business.

Learn more about the true cost of any worker you decide to employ.

8. Promotions and filling vacancies

Since the pandemic seemed to put every business at risk, many employers decided to let some workers go so they don’t lose money. As a result, many employees were assigned higher responsibilities.

Now that there’s has been enough time, some of those employees might be deserving promotions, and starting to recruit could be the solution to solve all of the problems related with it. You’re going to be able to promote your current employees and do backfilling of vacant positions at the same time.

Having the help of recruitment consultants could help you reach the following benefits:

  • Manage the evolving roles and know where to place new candidates
  • Recruit workers that can be trained to continue carrying out tasks that were delegated to other positions
  • Find the perfect candidates for new or existing roles

If you have many vacancies in your business and you also need to do some promotions for your current employees, it could be difficult to organize everything. For this reason, you can contact an outsourcing company and get some help so you can receive many benefits.

Learn more about why you should select the right manpower outsourcing agency.

9. Improve hiring processes

Another great reason to carry out recruitment during challenging times is that you’re going to be challenged to compete and to offer great candidate experience, and it’s the best time to try and test all the digitalization and automation ideas you have in mind.

Whether you need to recruit junior positions or you’re looking for the executives to take the leadership in a specific department of your business, you have to know that Connect Resources can assist you to hire the employees that you need.

Learn more about the Executive Search Service offered by Connect Resources.

9.1 Why do you have to improve your processes?

The pandemic impacted many processes carried out by companies, so it’s essential to use every challenge as an opportunity to grow, so the recruitment has to change for the better.

What are your goals in term with the recruitment process? Let’s observe:

  • Offer quality experience to your candidates
  • Align your hiring needs and candidates to your core values and goals
  • Digitalize your process to make it as straightforward and easy as possible

Counting with a consulting recruitment agency could also be really helpful to improve your hiring processes, and Connect Resources could be your best ally to tackle all the challenges that can arise with recruiting your staff.

10. How can Connect Resources help you with recruiting and hiring during difficult times?

connect resources

Doing hiring and recruiting during difficult times could provide your business with lots of great benefits, so once you know it’s highly important, it’s time to start focusing on boosting these activities.

If you need help from one of the best recruitment consultants in the UAE, you have to contact Connect Resources. We can help you with your hiring needs and you can receive a comprehensive service that will allow you to take your company in the road to success.

Would you like to contact Connect Resources to help you with recruiting? You can call at +971 433 166 88 or send an email to contact@connectresources.ae, and you’ll talk to one of their representatives that will gladly answer all of your questions.

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