On the southeasterly edge of the Arabian Peninsula is the Arab nation of Oman. The UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen are its land neighbors. The local government is attempting to expand other areas, particularly tourism and agriculture. This, given the Omani economy’s dependency on the petroleum and gas industry, which accounts for about 85% of state earnings. Foreigners can find employment in Oman in 2023 mostly in high-skilled occupations, but they need to obtain minimum wage in Oman. The fact that Oman is regarded as one of the finest and most stable nations in the area benefits the influx of migrant workers.
Labor migration in Oman
In 2023, Oman will have a population of roughly 5.5 million. One of the countries with the lowest density of population worldwide is this one. The state’s capital and largest city, Muscat, is home to about 800 000 people. In accordance with some estimates, immigrants make up more over a quarter of the local population. The majority of them are from the Philippines, Egypt, Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh. Foreigners typically travel to Oman in search of employment.
Despite the Oman new labor law 2022 efforts to “omanize” the local labor market, there is still a considerable reliance on foreign labor. The high pay, the absence of taxes on income, and the affordable cost of living draw in foreign employees. Oman boasts a lot of unique locations and attractions, including historic castles and fortifications.
Oman, in contrast to numerous other Middle Eastern nations, is a contemporary, progressive nation with more liberal laws, notably those pertaining to women’s rights. However, prospective labor migrants should not ignore Muslim customs and culture. It is crucial to abide with regional laws and customs. The excessive warmth, which frequently surpasses 40–45 ° C, is another factor.
Today, a big number of young Omanis attend reputable Western colleges and are gradually displacing talented foreigners from top corporations. No Omani nationals should apply for the position in order for an overseas applicant to be authorized to work there. Additionally, it is necessary to look for a job and submit a work visa application beforehand. The standard validity of the document is two years, with the option of an extension. Changes to the workplace are typically not permitted.
Minimum wage Oman
In Oman, the Oman minimum wage for an employee is 1,770 OMR. The range of salaries is 450 OMR (minimum wage in Oman) to 7,900 OMR (highest base, higher actual maximum compensation). It is important to not forget that the minimum wage in Oman is not the same as the Oman labour law basic salary.
In addition to accommodation, transportation, and other amenities, this is the average salary in Oman. Also, wages in Oman vary greatly depending on the profession. See the wages for various job titles below if you are curious about the salary in Oman for a particular position.
Salary structure
- Salary range: Minimum wage in Oman range from 450 OMR to 7,900 OMR, however the actual maximum wage is greater. The lowest reported amount in the compensation poll, involving thousands of consumers and professionals from around the nation, is not the minimum wage according to the Oman new labour law 2022.
- Median salary: Half of Oman’s population earns less than the median salary of 1,510 OMR, while another half makes more money. The middle wage value is represented by the median. In general, you would want to be in the group obtaining over the median pay on the right side of the graph.
- Salary scale and percentile: The 25th percentile and the 75th percentile are two numbers that are very similar to the median. According to the salary distribution map, 25% of Oman’s residents make less than 1,090 OMR per year, while 75% make more. The graphic also shows that 25% of the population earns more than 2,290 OMR, while 75% of the country earns less.
- Pay scale structure: To provide further context about what income to anticipate, we bracketed the most typical and recurrent salaries. This approach provides more information on how wages are actually split in Oman and is more precise than using just the average salary. Approximately 65% of all outcomes reported fall between 1,000 and 2,580 OMR. 20% of cases fall below the 1,000 OMR threshold. 10% of salaries range from 2,580 OMR – 3,290 OMR. 5% of those who earned 3,290 OMR or higher did so.
Years of experience comparison
A person’s Oman salary depends primarily on their level of experience, with more experience translating into better pay.
In Oman, individuals with 2 to 5 years of work experience typically make 32% more money on average than basic and junior employees across all sectors and professions.
The average salary for workers with more than 5 years of experience is 36% more than for workers with a minimum of 5 years of experience.
Salary increases by 21% after 10 years of employment and by an additional 14% after fifteen years of employment.
Since individual occupations can influence assessments, it is best to treat these numbers as preliminary estimations.
Education comparison
The relationship between education level and pay is well known. But, how much of a pay raise should one anticipate from earning a degree?
Studies in Oman seeing the pay of people with various levels of university education who held equivalent roles across a range of industries. According to the findings, people who have a degree or certificate made 17% more money on average than those who merely complete high school.
Those with a bachelor’s degree make 24% more money than those with a diploma or certificate.
A Master’s Degree increases professional earnings by 29% over a Bachelor’s Degree.
Finally, when working in the same field, those with a PhD made an average salary that was 23% higher than that of a Master’s degree holder.
Gender comparison
Although it should not, gender actually does affect pay. Who therefore earns more: males or women? In Oman, the standard pay gap between male and female workers is 9% across all categories of employment.
Public vs. private sector comparison
Which job offers a higher salary: working for the government or a private company? Across all career fields, the average wage gap in Oman between the public or governmental sector and the private sector is 7%. Therefore, the Oman government jobs 2022 are on a rise.
Why choose us?
With Connect Resources you will have the professional support you need to comply with Oman labour law salary 2022. We will make sure to provide your local team with at least the minimum wage in Oman. Consequently, you will be in adherence with the Oman labour law 2022. In addition, you can obtain extra business solutions that can take your company to a whole new level!